Monday, April 11, 2011


So I was chatting with someone in my English class about our paper and during the course of the conversation I learned that our 10 page research paper that I thought was due on the 24th is actually due on the 19th.  That still gives me plenty of time, right?


Work has been so busy lately and tomorrow evening I'm leaving for a 5 day trip to California.  So when I get back from that trip I'll only have about two days left to do the paper.  I CAN'T DO THAT IN TWO DAYS!  I will have my laptop so I'll work on it as much as I can down there in California, but to be honest, I doubt that much will get done.

As soon as all of this sunk into my brain the stress factor totally kicked in.  But what's interesting about it is the way it manifests itself in me.  It shows as ANGER.  Just like someone flipped a switch, I went from being content with the world to being angry at just about anything.  In fact, my cat is sitting on my bed and it's making me so mad just thinking that that stupid cat has no responsibility except to eat, sleep, poop, and be cute and cuddly. I'm just angry about. . .life!

I haven't felt this way since high school, back when life was very stressful for me.  I never realized that stress makes me feel this way.  My life is virtually stress-free.  (At least free of major stresses, like I am now experiencing)

The only good thing about this whole frickin' situation is that I just learned what my reaction to stress is.


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