Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lessons from General Conference

This will be a continued update over the weekend as General Conference continues to go on.

Elder Quentin L. Cook talked about the value of women.  I found this to be an excellent talk.  It's not that he taught us any new and amazing doctrine.  It was just a reiteration of the things we've already been hearing for years.  What I found amazing was my own thoughts and impressions.  How amazing it is to be in the company of well-rounded, intelligent, grounded woman.  It just makes you feel good.  There is a particular girl I'm interested in right now and I like her for these reasons.   I can't really articulate a lot of how I felt, but I just know how I felt about it.

President Henry B. Erying
I don't exactly recall the entire subject matter of his talk, but what stuck out to me is when he was talking about the Priesthood quorum trying to help a brother find employment. Members of the quorum volunteered names of people that they thought this brother could find employment with.  Unemployment strikes home for me.  My dad has been unemployed quite a bit in the past 5 years.  There is a sense of dignity that comes with work and providing for ones self and family.  To have that taken away from you is devastating, especially when you have others to support.  I thought about my business that I want to open, and FBO (Basically it's an aviation service station).  I had the thought that I should always have one or two positions available at my business which I can offer to those who need help.  I will train them in a new skill if they don't have it already.  And if they only stay for a month or so until they find employment in their field, so be it.  I don't consider the funds spent to train a man  in a new skill a waste.  Sure, financially it may not make the most sense.  But was does make sense is saving a man's dignity and ability to feed his family, and hopefully help to save his soul.  President Erying talked about how to Lord blesses those who give as well as those who receive. I'm sure that the Lord will bless my business to make up for the financial losses incurred to preserve the well being of one of his children.

Elder Ballard
Service is the best missionary work.  If we are going to bring our friends to the gospel, we have to do meaningful service for them.  Sorry, cookies isn't going to cut it.  We need to be there and serve them in their potentially life changing situations.

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